Rasika Ajotikar, Eva-Maria Alexandra van Straaten Postcolonial Sound Archives: Challenges and Potentials
Rasika Ajotikar Sound Collections and Postcolonial India’s Cultural Politics: An Interview with Felix van Lamsweerde
meLê yamomo, Barbara Titus The Persistent Refrain of the Colonial Archival Logic / Colonial Entanglements and Sonic Transgressions: Sounding Out the Jaap Kunst Collection
Linda Cimardi “One of the Richest and Most Refined Forms of Art in the World.” Alain Daniélou, the IICMSD Archive, and Indian Music
Shubha Chaudhuri Potentials and Challenges of Repatriation: The Case of Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology, India
Rasika Ajotikar Marathi Sangeet Natak and the Affirmation of Hindu Nationalist Cultural Politics in Western India
Eva-Maria Alexandra van Straaten The White Ethnomusicologist’s Burden. White Innocence and the Archive in Music Studies
Mark Lomanno Eric F . Clarke and Mark Doffman (eds.), Distributed Creativity: Collaboration and Improvisation in Contemporary Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2017); Juniper Hill, Becoming Creative: Insights from Musicians in a Diverse World. New York: Oxford
David Kaminsky Karin Eriksson, Sensing Traditional Music Through Sweden’s Zorn Badge: Precarious Musical Value and Ritual Orientation. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. (2017)
Lisa-Maria Brusius Katherine Meizel, Multivocality: Singing on the Borders of Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2020)
Hanna-Mari Riihimäki Lori A . Burns and Stan Hawkins (eds .), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music Video Analysis. London: Bloomsbury. (2019)
Laura Miranda Samuel Llano, Discordant Notes. Marginality and Social Control in Madrid, 1850–1930. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2018)