Nishlyn Ramanna Introduction: Discursive Flows in South African Jazz Studies—Texts, Contexts, and Subtexts
Brett Pyper Jazz Festivals and the Post-Apartheid Public Sphere: Historical Precedents and the Contemporary Limits of Freedom
Gwen Ansell Who’s Got the Map? Scholarship, Journalism and Essentialism in Writing on South African Jazz
Michael T. Bertrand James Wierzbicki, Music in the Age of Anxiety: American Music in the Fifties (2016)
Moshe Morad Stephen Amico, Roll Over, Tchaikovsky! Russian Popular Music and Post-Soviet Homosexuality (2014)
Martin Greve Anna Magdalena Schmidt, Die imaginäre Grenze. Eine Untersuchung zur Bedeutung von Musik für Jugendliche türkischer Herkunft in Deutschland und ihre Verortung im Diskurs der interkulturell orientierten Musikpädagogik (2015)
Michelle Duffy Jared Mackley-Crump, The Pacific Festivals of Aotearora New Zealand: Negotiating Place and Identity in a New Homeland (2015)
Charissa Granger Ed Pavli?, Who Can Afford to Improvise? James Baldwin and Black Music, the Lyric and the Listeners (2016)
Anne K. Rasmussen Lisa Urkevich, Music and Traditions of the Arabian Peninsula: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar (2015)
Robert Fry Tell the Truth!: Blues and Gospel by Richard Williams. Produced by the State Library and Archives of Florida (2016)
Robert Fry Where the Palm Trees Shake At Night: Blues Music From the Florida Folklife Collection. Produced by the State Library and Archives of Florida (2010)