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Guidelines for Guest Editors

  1. Guest editors are formally invited by the editors to be responsible for a specific volume of the journal. Prospective guest editors are welcome to suggest topics to the editors. When suggesting a topic, please submit a proposal including information on the individual authors and abstracts of all the individual articles.

  2. Guest editors are invited to suggest the topic of their issue and to choose authors according to their own concept of what might be a feasible and sensible combination of typically five to six articles. An average article contains no more than 20 printed pages (if 6 articles) or 15 printed pages (if 8 articles), which includes room for the abstract, pictures/illustrations and their captions, and bibliography. We estimate approximately 2,800 characters per printed page (550 words). Altogether, the articles should encompass 120-150 printed pages and should be submitted via email as a .doc file. Manuscripts should be kept simple: no hyphenation, no special fonts (even for titles or headings), italics and bold print only where necessary, and single-spaced (for details see guidelines for authors). Should you require special fonts, e.g., for transliteration purposes, please contact the editors as early as possible.

  3. Guest editors are responsible for having the authors grant the right to publish and distribute the article to the publisher.

  4. When an author offers their article for publication to the (guest) editors, this will be considered an explicit declaration of consent with these conditions. Do not forget to inform the authors about this. Also, remind them to make sure they have obtained all rights for any illustrations and audio-visual materials incorporated into their articles.

  5. Guest editors are responsible for the conceptual design of their issue and should edit the submitted manuscripts in terms of scholarly content. Manuscripts are to be submitted to the editors in idiomatic U.S. English, proofread by an English native speaker. WoM cannot provide additional language editing. Final copy editing, however, will be done by the editors. Guest editors should write an introduction to the issue.

  6. While conceiving the issue, please keep in mind that WoM encourages the inclusion of high-quality illustrations and audio-visual materials. Please submit any photographs to be included in the highest resolution possible (.tiff or .jpg), and audio examples in .mp3 format. Authors’ submissions should include all necessary photographs, diagrams, illustrations, and musical notation with captions and credits provided. The same applies to any audio-visual materials to be included in the articles.

  7. Only previously unpublished research may be accepted for publication in the journal.

  8. Unless agreed upon otherwise, the following deadlines apply: First issue of a given volume:

    September 1: submission of abstracts
    March 1: submission of full and carefully proofread manuscript

    Second issue of a given volume:
    February 1: submission of abstracts
    August 1: submission of full and carefully proofread manuscript

  9. All manuscripts should be delivered by the guest editor to the editors via e-mail: and

If you are unsure whether the necessary number of manuscript pages will be submitted in time or whether the maximum amount of pages might be exceeded considerably, please contact the editors as early as possible.

You will receive the full first set of proofs for a final check and distribution to the individual authors.

The editors look forward to working with you!