Before submission, please tidy up all articles according to the following the world of music (new series) house style guidelines:
Please do not try and make the manuscript look like a proof of printed version of WoM. You can leave the type setting to us. Remove all returns, indents, tabs, and fonts – except italics and block quotes. Use one paragraph lay-out for all text material (abstract, running text, caption, bibliography). Submit all illustrations, tables and figures separately and remove them from the plain text.
Decide for either US-American spelling (program, bar, labor, center, organization, May 15, 1996), or British spelling (programme, measure, labour, centre, organisation, 15 May 1996) throughout the manuscript.
Insert a single return between paragraphs, please do not make indents (NB: this looks different from proofs!).
Double return between a paragraph and the next sub-heading (see proofs).
All nouns, verbs, adjectives and possessive pronouns in headings (article titles) should be capitalized. Don’t capitalize them in sub-headings (paragraph titles) and captions.
Double quotation marks for quotations and scare-quotes (keep those latter to an absolute minimum!), single quotation marks for quotations within quotations. Please use straight quotation marks only.
Make block indents for quotations that are longer than two lines. Do not use quotations marks for block quotations.
Use (…) when authors have omitted parts of quotations. Use square brackets [text] when authors have adapted or complemented quotations.
Use straight (double) quotation marks for the indication of song titles, and italics for the indication of album titles. Use straight (double) quotation marks for the indication of (journal) articles, and italics for book and journal titles.
All illustrations (whether pictures, tables, examples, notations) are called Figures. Number figures consecutively. Refer to figures in running text with their number as follows: (Figure 1), not with the indication “in the following figure” or “in the figure below.” Make sure the reference in the text matches the name of the image file.
Place captions for the figures at the approximate position whether the figure should be placed. Constitute the caption as follows: Fig. 1: blablablabla. (see proofs)
Please note the use of capitals for the indication of figures in running text (not always a capital: fig.) and at the beginning of captions (always capital: Fig.). In the running text, use “Figure:” “For example, in Figure 2, the identical violin parts work in tandem…”. When briefly referenced between brackets, use “fig.:” “… arousing a sensation of sighing and sobbing (fig. 2).”
When referring to measure or bar numbers, use “measure,” “measures” or “bar” in full while arguing: “The melodic line of the violins does not disappear at measure/bar 151…”. When referencing in passing use m., mm. or b.: “depicting the battle between the protesters and the soldiers (mm. 95–108).”
Refer to literature as follows: (Author 1993:126). NB: no space between year and page number. Or (Author 1993:64–71) NB: long dash between page numbers. Or (Author 1993:64–67). This also concerns bar numbers, years and all sequentially inclusive numerical orderings.
Refer to ages and centuries in full: “nineteenth century” and “seventeenth-century practices”
If the next reference concerns the exact same publication with exact same page numbers, use: (ibid.). If page number is different, use (ibid.:87) [NB: no spaces]
Please use automated footnotes or endnotes. Do not insert footnotes or endnotes manually.