Arabic translations of Acces to Waxes I [the world of music (new series) 12 (2), 2023] are now online
This issue is the first part of a double issue entitled "Access to Waxes – The Collections from the Arab World of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Digitization and Open Access" (published in English in February 2024). All contributions are now also available in Arabic translation, to be found online with their English equivalents. They include a General Introduction to the double issue plus a set of five articles, written by Nadia Bahra, Lando Kirchmair, Matthias Pasdzierny, Albrecht Wiedmann, Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, Susanne Ziegler, Jean Lambert, and Ruth F. Davis. The Arabic translations of the second part of this double issue will be published soon.
–Barbara Titus